Saturday, December 24, 2011

Some closing thoughts for 2011

I did not write this but most of it mirrors my thoughts:

Some closing thoughts for 2011

I have found some comforting peace in my life in the last few days. It has been rather nice for a change. As I reflect and meditate over the last few days I cannot help but think about how much energy people put into trying to prove that Christ did not exist or that Christmas is a pagan holiday, etc. I for one am not writing to you to challenge the ‘facts’ of Christmas. My intent is to share with you that I believe in the ‘intent’ that Christmas is celebrated to experience the impulse of Christ and to have discussions about what it is required to find ‘Peace on Earth’ and ‘Good Will towards Men’ and that the facts are irrelevant.

For Christmas this year, I celebrate all those things that we all find in common so that we can find some common ground to unite in brotherhood and peace rather than being divided. John F. Kennedy said it best during his speech in 1963:

“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.”

I am actually glad that we have such diversity in this world. I think and believe it is important. I am also glad that there are a lot of things we have in common too. Finding those common items is at times difficult and requires work and time. Very easy to see the differences. Perhaps we have become lazy? Forcing my will upon my fellow Man will not serve anybody and I see all too often that approach being used by people all over the place. In many respects I feel the world has gone insane and is in fact not interested in doing the work required for peace.

So this Christmas I once again express my declaration that I made on April 14, 2008; I declare peace. I re-affirm my commitment towards not forcing my will upon anybody else. I honor and recognize the divine in each and every one of you. I celebrate all the differences that make each of us unique and I am grateful for the common bonds that bind us in brotherhood. I celebrate the idea and embrace the work required with letting the Christ impulse flow through me and the example that he and many others throughout history has made in an attempt to teach us how to live in peace, through love and forgiveness. I re-affirm my commitment towards allowing the Christ impulse to flow through me and to be the best that I can be. I made a life long commitment to govern myself and to lead by example. I choose to be influenced by Gandhi when he said “be the change you want to see in the world”. I recognize that building relationships with people is hard work, takes time and is a great way to find peace. This is a journey that will take a life time and there is a lot of work involved.

I am still moved by this quote from John Shelby Spong;

“When I seek to give content and form to that living Word, I find myself saying very traditional things. The Word of God in Scripture confronts me with the revelation that all human beings are created in God’s image and reflect God’s holiness. All human beings means all human beings … all human beings. Men and women, homosexual persona and heterosexual persons, all races, nationalities, and persons of any ethnic background, all communists and capitalists, rich and poor, old and young, religious and nonreligious, Christians, Moslems, Jews, Buddhists, and Hindus, atheists and agnostics – all persons reflect the holiness of God, for all are made in God’s image. How can I enslave, segregate, denigrate, oppress, violate, or victimize one who bears the image of the Holy One? That is the Word of God I meet in the bible. That is also what I mean when I say I believe in God the Father, almighty creator.

I celebrate and love everyone, including but not limited to all those who want to control us, poison us, kill us or own us. I may not like what is happening but I do recognize the gift of what is happening. I see that as being the resistance we need to grow stronger physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is a great gift that is being provided, despite the pain and frustration it may cause. It will either tear us apart or join us together in brotherhood. I will confront it and do everything I can to learn from it. I will not hide or run in fear of it.

My dear brothers and sisters. I am very much looking forward to 2012. I have a feeling that there is going to be a LOT of changes taking place. I have faith that I will receive what I need right when I need it. In many respects I don’t feel ready. One important lesson I learned a few days ago; I will receive what I need and it will be dammed inconvenient. Go with the flow.

I love my life, I love my family, I love my friends and I love all of you. Thank you so much! I pray for a blessed Christmas this year for all of you. Peace to you all!!


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