Tuesday, February 28, 2012


"Time waits for no man" is a pretty famous quote. Time waits for no woman or child,
either. The one thing we all have, yet none of us claim to have, is time.

Though we would ideally like to have enough for everything and everyone, that
usually isn't the case in an adult life. This is when we prioritize, whether consciously or not. Prioritizing according to where we feel most needed or obligated, instead of where we're most loved and appreciated, can result in spending too much time working or helping, and not enough time enjoying life.

Some people realize that years are going by quickly and they are not really living as they would like. This may cause them to make small changes, or if left too long, may cause them to have an entire overhaul of their life, or, as it's often called, a "midlife crisis."

If you don't make time for the ones who love you, eventually, you will grow apart. Too often, we make time for the ones who claim to need us: bosses, friends who are down on their luck, family members who are having some kind of drama... We tend to then put off those people who we love to spend time with but don't ever seem to "need" us, and they always understand when we cancel for something "urgent."

Eventually, "some other time," will not exist.

If you think of how you've spent the past year, look at where you have invested the most time. Think of good friends that you have not seen or even spoken to in awhile. While there is no true "making up for lost time," if, when looking back, you see that you've been neglecting any one person or people, be sure to make time for them from this day on.

When we're young, we usually have so much free time that we do not have to plan. As we get older, our lives and our friends lives get more complex, and planning and scheduling becomes more important.

Many successful couples have one night per week that they block off for only each other as a "date night," even when they have been together for many years. It may not seem like much, but it is a guaranteed 52 dates per year.

Connections between people to be kept strong must be attended to regularly, like a houseplant. It doesn't need constant attention, but it does need regular attention. If not, it will wither after awhile but can be revived. If neglected too long, then no matter how much water you put on it, it's just not coming back.

Source: happinessinyourlife.com

The girl who just wanted to have fun singinG about time:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Often when we think of power, it comes with a negative association
of someone misusing power over someone else. Many world leaders
throughout history have abused power, resulting in worldwide destruction.

But power really only means concentrated energy.

Other people in history have had great power, and used it to better the world. They did this in one lifetime, due to
belief in people and belief that they could. Gandhi and Mother Theresa had great power and changed the lives of millions of people.

Everyone has power over themselves and others. Your words have the power to change even a stranger's mood. Your every interaction sets off other reactions with every person you interact with, and everyone they interact with. If you are in a great mood and compliment someone, they will more than likely appreciate the compliment, and continue that positive energy in a return to you or to someone else.

If you get the notion to right a wrong, or to improve a condition, taking that notion to more thought, then action, will affect others. You may wish to improve the condition of your neighborhood. Although everyone else in the neighborhood also sees the trash, patchy grass, and graffiti, they have accepted it as what is, as depressing as that may be. But if you use your energy to appeal to others to gather to clean up the neighborhood, the combined energy will increase. After your neighborhood has been cleaned, you may inspire others to do the same, or the group that participated in your neighborhood may have felt the job so rewarding that they wish to continue to improve things.

Often times, when we see a large problem, we can feel overwhelmed or angrily question why the government doesn't take care of it, or wish that a movie star would come and donate millions of dollars to fix it. That energy of feeling overwhelmed is power in an unusable form. Transforming it into action will not only relieve the anger, but it will also put that energy to good use.

Your thoughts have the power to initiate, your words, to form, and your body, to act. Real and lasting change does not occur in one enormous revelation, but in small, dedicated actions over time. Combined with one or two people, then more, then many, enormous changes can occur in much less time than one would think. Look around you in your surroundings. What is one thing that you would really love to see made better? Start with an action to improve it, no matter how tiny and insignificant it may seem. It may just be the seed to a giant oak.

Source: happinessinyourlife.com

A little old school here with Snap! :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Thoughts and Words

I have always believed that thoughts are powerful. I do not remember the exact moment I realized it, but stuff happened without explanation unless I went back and analyzed it:

In the old days, people used to think that their thoughts were "just thoughts," and that
sticks and stones would break their bones, but words would never hurt them. Little did
they realize the true power of their thoughts and words.

We all can see motion of an object, say, a swing, rocking back and forth. We also can
appreciate radio waves with the use of a radio, or television programs with the use of a TV set.
When we use our microwaves, we can see that heat can also be produced by a higher frequency
of wave directed in a small area. While microwaves are for the most part contained within the
microwave, we know that radio waves are at all times all around us. We don't think it's magic
when someone puts on a radio, tunes it to a certain frequency, and sound comes through. If you were to pluck a person out of the year 1700 and show them these devices, they would not believe their eyes. They would think you were a witch or some kind of magician. Because we know these things to be true, we don't flip out every time we turn on the TV and pictures and sounds show up on the screen....we only flip out when this doesn't happen!

Your mind is not a contained system like a microwave. It is like a radio tower. The thoughts you think are not limited to your own mind. They are signals sent out to the Universe, just like radio waves. The radio is the device that can interpret radio waves. The subconscious mind is the device that can interpret thought waves. When you think certain thoughts, you are sending out these signals, and all of the subconscious minds of people who are tuned into the same frequency will pick them up.

This is why when you think of a friend you haven't spoken to in awhile, you'll likely hear from them "out of the blue" within a couple of days. You may even know who is calling before you check your caller ID. This isn't magic or a coincidence, it's just thought waves being transmitted and received.

This is also the basis for the now infamous "Law of Attraction." It's not "attraction" so much as it's just all that the subconscious of other people can pick up. Back to the radio analogy, if "happy" were on station 105.7, and "sad" were tuned into station 101.3, and you were sending out thought waves of 101.3, you would never be able to hear or get in tune with anyone on 105.7. You may have heard the phrase "get in tune" with your feelings. Thinking happy thoughts and being positive will literally get you in tune with more happy and positive people and the circumstances surrounding them.

Source: happinessinyourlife.com

Dreams are influenced by thoughts when you think about it eh!:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Love is a tiny little word that has about as many interpretations as there are stars in the sky. Most often, it's confused with lust, ego attachment, or infatuation. Love has many definite characteristics. Meaning, without those characteristics, it's not really love.

Love is secure. Love is inclusive, kind, encouraging, honest, and is based on appreciation and trust over time. It's respectful and uses power to build up, not to tear down. It is a moment to moment strength of a bond between people that cannot be fully explained, but those who have experienced it, know it for life.

Most often, the first true love people feel is between themselves and their parents. The way their parents treat them and each other is the basis for our definitions of love. As adults, we show love by taking the role of one of our parents, or by acting similarly to how we did when we were children. This may not be the healthiest plan, as often our parents were not effectively able to act out of love to us or to each other.

Love can be hindered by insecurities, low self esteem, past pain that's not yet been forgiven, and many other factors. If one cannot say that they love themselves, then it's unfortunately true that they won't be able to love another person and show words and actions of true love to them.

We all have an immense capacity to love ourselves and others. True love is the most incredible gift to ourselves and others, yet most of the masses are not engaging in it much if at all. The biggest reason for this is the fear of getting hurt. But like trust, if you choose to just not love or trust anyone your whole life, then instead of being protected the entire time, you'll actually be hurting the entire time, and hurting others in the process.

Starting with you, learn to accept yourself 100%. Focus on your positive qualities, your physical features, your wit, your problem solving skills, you willingness to help others...think of the last 10 compliments you've been paid. Believe them. People mean them....rarely do folks just throw around random compliments.

Source: happinessinyourlife.com