Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Appreciation is similar to gratitude, except that several letters are different.
Both words mean realizing the good in your life and being both aware of, and
thankful for it. Many people recognize the value of appreciation towards
themselves, but not always the value of their appreciation towards others. Many expect that others should "just know" that they appreciate them, or think they shouldn't have to tell them all the time. Truth is, everyone should be told as much as possible how much they are appreciated, and everyone should make an effort to tell others how much they appreciate them as much as possible.

Think back to when you were a baby...remember? Remember lying there in your crib, relaxing, food or love was only a couple of shrieks and a scream away. Why on earth would you ever leave this blissful state? If you needed to go anywhere, you were picked up by a warm being who smelled like flowers, and carried you everywhere you needed to go. Transporting you from crib to sofa, sofa to carriage (or stroller if you prefer), carriage to auto, where you were then chauffered around town.

The reason, the only reason, you ever learned to crawl and then walk (a virtual evolution over the course of just a few months), a miracle of nature, was because of appreciation. If you'd began to crawl and they said nothing, you may not have bothered again for a couple of years. If when you'd taken your first steps, they'd thumbed their noses, you'd hardly have made it across the room. We are hardwired to value appreciation so much that it is the basis for all of our learning. Sitting up, crawling, walking, speaking, eating certain foods (like peas), going to the potty...everything you don't remember learning but are vital to your success as an adult were done so on the mere basis of appreciation.

Now, do you see why it matters so much?

Think of someone you appreciate. Now, text, or email them a message in two lines or less, thanking them for something specific, or just for being a great friend, sister, brother, mom, dad, accountant...whatever the case may be.

Unless they think you're up to something, you are guaranteed two things: First, you'll receive an equally appreciative reply. They may even tell you that they needed to hear this today. Second, you will have made them feel great, even if only for a little while, based on a tiny effort on your part. Actually, one more thing...you will feel better, too. This is a great habit to start doing on a more regular basis, yes?

Source: www.happinessinyourlife.com

Tuesday, January 24, 2012



There are only two times in your life when you need to let a person go from
your experience: when you no longer have the ability to appreciate each other,
or when you no longer trust each other. Trust is the foundation of every single
positive relationship in the world. Without it, the relationship will not be able to
be positive. If there's no trust on day one, don't count on there being any on day 1000.

A person may trust no one in their life, or they may trust only certain people. They may not even be aware of why all of their relationships seem so difficult, not ever realizing it's because of no trust.

When you do not trust, you never take people's statements at face value. Your mind immediately takes their statements and rearranges them into what it thinks they actually mean. This leads to accusations, drama, pain, and bad relationships.

So why would someone consciously or subconsciously decide not to trust?

They believe that by not trusting, they are somehow protecting themselves. They may have been fooled once by a person breaking their trust, and the pain was terrible. Instead of realizing that it was just that person, they allowed that experience to put up a wall, and affect the way they view the world.

If you are mistrusting, you will repel people who are trustworthy. No one likes to be accused of things they did not think or do, and no one likes to have to defend themselves when they did nothing wrong.

Trust does involve being vulnerable. Yes, if you again misplace your trust, someone could take advantage of it, and you could get hurt again. But if you choose to not trust anyone, though you'll never get fooled, you'll also live in a constant state of anxiety, paranoia, and cause pain to people because you were unable to move past a bad experience with trust. The pain from a lifelong experience like that far outweighs the pain of getting fooled a couple more times.

When we are young, we are all naive. Naive people get hurt by trusting. From there, they can choose to either become experienced, or bitter. No one can make that choice for them, but it's a choice that will impact all of their relationships for the rest of their lives. It's a stronger choice to trust again, and you will be fulfilled much more than you will be fooled by choosing it.

Source: happinessinyourlife.com

This is absolutely my favorite song n for good reasons!:

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Forgiveness~ explained

One of the surest ways to have a dark cloud looming over your head is
to hold a grudge against someone. Whether it be your parents, a former
(or current) boss, friends, or strangers. Holding on to past hurts is like
holding on to a giant boulder. The boulder holder feels more pain and
burden than the other will ever know.

However justified you may be, or however enormous the hurt, it is always possible to forgive.

Forgiving doesn't mean saying that the offending act or words were OK. It also doesn't mean keeping that person or people in your life, afterward. If you can't be sure the act won't be repeated, keeping that person around would be like keeping a wolf around your pet chickens. Even if you tell the wolf "No!" sternly, he's probably going to scarf a chicken as soon as you turn your back. You can forgive him, then gently escort him out of the henhouse.

If you have forgiven someone, you no longer feel the extreme pain, anger, or sadness when the topic of what they did is brought up. You've already made peace with it inside of yourself. You can still inform someone of it, but your tale will be devoid of those emotions, almost as if it happened to someone else.

Forgiving often requires compassion. If we can understand why someone acted a certain way, we can usually let our own anger dissolve. Not why we assume they acted that way, but why they actually did. Sometimes, it's not possible to know why someone acted a certain way. In those instances, the easiest way to let it dissolve is to know that "they just didn't know any better."

Very few people make it their life's mission to hurt other people, especially those who they care about. Most are either thinking of themselves, or not thinking at all, but not thinking of deliberately hurting another. When they do hurt someone deliberately, they've likely justified it in their mind as revenge or a defensive action. Two babies playing in a sandbox, one baby takes the other's shovel. The other slaps the thief baby, the thief baby hits the other with the shovel. Both start to cry. Fast forward 30, 40, 50 years and old babies all over the world continue this set of circumstances which ends up in a whole lot of sad old babies walking about.

The babies truly don't know any better. But as adults, we develop a rational, logical mind, which can separate perceived action from real action and side effects of that action. It's just up to us if we choose to use it.

Source: Source: http://www.happinessinyourlife.com

Check out this video by Evanescence ~Forgive Me:

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Intuitiion~ explained

Intuition is your sixth sense. Unlike your other senses, you probably didn't get much training in intuition, unless one or both of your parents had as well. If you'd been trained in it at the same time you learned about your sense of hearing, taste, smell, and sight, you'd be much more comfortable with trusting it today.

If a plate of food were set in front of you that looked and smelled like manure, you'd likely not take a taste. You trust that if it smells bad, it will taste bad. However, if you get a "gut feeling" that something is a bad deal but with no other clues, you may not trust that feeling. You may then try to ignore your sense of intuition and go forward anyway, only to later realize that your gut feeling was right. Not trusting your sense of intuition is like eating the manure, yet many of us do it every single day...er...not trust our intuition, that is.

When a group of people sit in the woods, if there is a sound of a cricket, frog, then coyote, and one person exclaims, "cricket, frog, coyote," the rest of the group does not look shocked, clap, and cheer. This is because everyone heard the same sounds and drew the same conclusions (except for the guy who was wearing headphones, listening to rock music). Yet when a psychic, one highly trained in intuition, picks up information and relays it to someone, they are in awe...sometimes moved to tears, sometimes shelling out lots of money to hear more.

We ALL have intuition. Some of us have better hearing than others, some can see better, some can smell a hotdog a mile away. Some people have a naturally very strong sense of intuition, and some do not. But even the ones who do not but who train themselves to improve their sense of intuition will be better off than the natural ones who do no training at all. It's just like someone who has great vision. If he or she does not use that to read, but the lady with the glasses reads daily, she will know a lot more than he about whatever it was she was reading.

Source: http://www.happinessinyourlife.com

Check out this video by OneRepublic:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Karma~ explained

Karma is a word that most everyone has heard of, but few people
know the true meaning. It's often mistakenly thought of as a punishment
and reward system, and is used as a curse on those who do bad things.
"You'd better watch out for Karma!" as if it's a voodoo police force of the universe.

Karma is most importantly, understanding. It is neither good nor bad, just whole.

If a person does good deeds, helps others, and lives an honest life, they can still get whacked with "bad karma." If that person does all those things, but then judges others who they say are evil, then they will soon find themselves on the opposite side of that fence. By judging someone negatively, one is actually asking the Universe for the understanding that made that person behave that way. Common examples are in traits that are misunderstood. If a person says another is too controlling, then pretty soon, they will be accused of the same. They may not even notice, because to them, they were only being helpful, or looking out for someone, but most certainly not being controlling! Only after the karmic shoe is on the other foot do they gain the insight as to why the person they judged seemed to be acting in a controlling way.

If a person condemns another for anything, Karma is sure to be around the corner.

What should be the reaction then, when someone does something that appears to be devoid of any good whatsoever?

The reaction should be positive, and if positive is not possible, then neutral. For example, if a person hears about someone who has run out on their family, they may immediately judge him or her to be a terrible person. If you say, "How could anyone be so terrible?" then you are literally asking the universe to show you how. Things may take a turn in your life to where you are overwhelmed and feel like running off, too. Why wish that on yourself by condeming another person? A better reaction would be to believe that the person must have been truly overwhelmed, and made a weak choice by abandoning the family. Hope that the person finds their conscience, comes to their senses, returns, and owns up to their responsibilities.

In the second reaction, you are wishing for a better life for that person, which in turn would lead to a better life for anyone that person comes in contact with as long as they live...and by default, you are wishing the same for yourself.

Source: http://www.happinessinyourlife.com

Oh n speaking of Karma....check out the vid below by whats-his-face eh!! ;-D: